Monday, April 30, 2007

Benjamin Franklin's 12 Rules of Management

(1) Finish better than your beginnings
(2) All education is self-education
(3) Seek first to manage yourself, then to manage others
(4) Influence is more important than victory
(5) Work hard and watch your costs
(6) Everybody wants to appear reasonable
(7) Create your own set of values to guide your actions
(8) Incentive is everything!
(9) Create solutions for seemingly impossible problems
(10) Become a revolutionary for experimentation and change
(11) Sometimes it's better to do 1,001 small things right than only one large thing right
(12) Deliberately cultivate your reputation and legacy!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills

Ways that are appropriate to each organizational level include how to:

Create plans that:

Take into consideration all relevant information about both external and internal conditions.

Incorporate diverse viewpoints so all stakeholders feel engaged and committed.

Direct others based on:
Clear decisions.
The confidence to commit in the face of uncertainty
The ability to hold others accountable for desired outcomes.
Implement actions through effective systems for:
Delegating tasks
Getting feedback
Correcting errors.

Inspire others to work with vigor and determination to achieve
organizational goals.


Leadership Core Concepts

Leadership Core Concepts
Effective leaders exhibit certain skills that differentiate them from people who do not lead as effectively. There are four fundamental sets of skills that must be mastered in order to be effective as a leader.

These skills include both leadership skills and management skills because one cannot lead well without also managing well. These four skill sets are:

Leadership Skills
1. Directing
2. Inspiring

Management Skills
3. Planning
4. Doing

Effective leaders must demonstrate versatility in practicing each of these skill sets. They need to take into account the variety of values, goals, needs, opportunities, and resources present in their organization and in their organization's environment.

Genuine versatility ensures that they don't overlook important issues due to blind spots or fail to take needed actions due to a personal reluctance to act in certain ways.
